Monday, October 22, 2012

Jesus said a bunch of stuff we can and cannot do. (commands) Whats the trade-off?  I forget how wild Jesus is, and how radical he really is.  What does he offer in exchange for following him?

Just sayin.

Do people who admire his teaching for being a good person really enjoy following this?  Many times  I find it exhausting trying to do good to people who steal things from me, who never pay me back for my time, money, amazing wisdom etc.   When I think about Jesus has been patient with me about it makes it possible to do the above things for people without being a self righteous bigot, but a lot of times that is exactly what happens.

How do people love others without him?  I hardly can WITH him.  Thank God he hasn't ordered a dismantle on sight order for me, and instead took that search and arrest warrant on himself.

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